When a wedding’s coming up, everyone wants to look their best. No one, however, can outshine the bride. It’s no wonder that so many brides get stressed out in the race to look gorgeous and as flawless as possible on what would potentially be the biggest day of their lives.
Slow down, though! All that stress isn’t doing your skin any favors. For that beautiful and unparalleled glow, you need a proper skincare routine. We’ll guide you through the basics below, so you can look and feel your best on your special day:
Advanced Preparations
A bride should start her skincare routine for the wedding months in advance, if possible. Don’t worry if your wedding is only weeks away, though. There’s no time like the present to get started!
While prepping your skin, your goal should be to even out your texture, prevent breakouts, and get a smooth feel. In order to achieve all this, skincare experts recommend a retinol product if you don’t already use one. It’s recommended to start using it just twice a week and gradually build up the frequency as the weeks go by. If it suits your skin, crank up the usage to every other night and eventually to your nightly before-bed routine.
Overnight Retinol Repair by Dermalogica is one of the best products to apply before going to bed. You can apply it before going to bed, so it’d have a chance of working on your skin before getting washed off or being compromised by exposure to the elements during the day.
In addition to this, you should definitely consider adding a vitamin C serum for skin brightening. As the wedding draws closer, a deep cleaning is in order to unclog any stubborn pores.
The Importance Of Exfoliating
While brides with sensitive skin may shudder at the thought of exfoliating their skin, this is one step that shouldn't be completely overlooked. Make it mild if you have to, but exfoliate you must. It’s the secret to many a great skin, wedding or no wedding. If you get your skin used to it and use the right products, the breakouts and rashes you fear would quickly become a thing of the past.
We exfoliate in order to prepare our face for the makeup we use. Even if you use zero makeup, the glow on your skin cannot be perfected without this step. Since you have probably invested in several high-end, expensive makeup brands as a bride, it’s only natural that you should have a face that can show off these products to the max.
The same goes for those creams, lotions, serums, and masks that you use on your face for that extra glow. Exfoliation opens up the ways for all those nutrients to sink in instead of being washed away without benefiting your skin.
Foxbrims’ Exfoliating Tea Face Scrub is an excellent organic product to exfoliate your face before every shower. It’s gentle on the skin and contains no nasty synthetic chemicals. This also makes it perfect for getting your neck in perfect even tone.
If you want a more cost-efficient option for your whole body, a DIY scrub or olive oil, brown sugar, and essential oils may be best.
Taking Care Of The Eyes
Dark circles, bags, and general tiredness of the eyes are all too common issues when it comes to brides preparing for their wedding. You’d be poring over seating plans, staying up all night to chat with your friends or spend time with family. If nothing else, you’d be tied, harried, and just too excited to get a full night’s sleep.
We’d advise you to get a proper amount of sleep, but there are also a few skincare routines you can follow to make your eyes look fresh and bright.
First, be sure to remove all eye makeup before going to bed. Use a water-soluble remover that won’t require any scrubbing or rubbing.
Next, apply a quality eye cream that would keep the dark circles and puffiness to a minimum. Again, a good 8-10 hours of sleep every night should accompany all applications.
A cool compress won’t hurt either. Simply wrap up a bit of ice in a piece of cloth and use it to soothe the bags developing underneath your eyes. You would also want to avoid foods that are high in sodium since these could make the eyes look swollen and tired on your big day.
A Facial Massage At Home
In order to get that rejuvenated and glowing look on your face, a lymphatic drainage massage may be in order. This is a sort of dying art, but that’s all the more reason to revive it.
If you have dry skin, start massaging in circles, moving from the bottom of the neck to the sides of the face. From there, go on massaging in circles around the eyes. This would get all the nutrients of your food and masks into the skin.
Next, proceed in the opposite direction with circles moving in the opposite direction as well. If you fear acne flaring up, you should try starting from the top near the eyes. An organic facial serum or scrub may come in helpful here as well.
Don’t leave your beauty routine to the day or even the week of the wedding. When you’re ready to get your bridal look on, you shouldn’t require layers of cakey makeup to cover those spots, wrinkles, or pimples. With the right beauty regimen, you could be rocking beautiful and healthy skin that would only require minimal makeup to enhance your lovely face.
Good skin and good health are essential if you want to feel good about yourself. You should be feeling confident and beautiful from the inside out when you’re a bride. After all, it’s the start of a new life, so start putting in the effort now and pull off that effortless natural look!