Medical marijuana has been legal in most states across the country for many years now. Several states have recently legalized recreational marijuana. While you can safely and legally enjoy your pot if you are in any of these states, very soon you may be using cannabis in your skincare routine.
If various research and clinical studies from around the world are any indication, then cannabis will become the new holy grail in the cosmetic industry, particularly in skincare.
Israel Leads The Way Into Cannabis Skincare
One of the first countries to join the cannabis movement in the world was Israel. Not much was written or talked about how Israel was exploring a plethora of uses of cannabis. While the United States and many countries across Europe were debating if marijuana should be legalized for recreational use, Israel was quietly studying the myriad of benefits of cannabis.
Israel has been studying cannabis and investing in serious scientific research for over five decades now. No other country has been so dedicated to learn more about a substance that is classified as contraband across the world.
Premium Dead Sea Takes Pole Position
One of the popular skincare brands in Israel called Premier Dead Sea has started infusing its products with cannabinoids. The brand is one of the main manufacturers of skincare products comprising minerals obtained from the Dead Sea. Recently, the company announced to the public that it was teaming up with Together Pharma, a medical cannabis firm.
This is primarily to make skincare products infused with cannabinoids. The partnership is aimed at manufacturing, distributing and marketing such skincare products in Canada and Europe. The United States may soon be on its list of target markets. Basically, the company will presently venture into territories where sale of cannabis is legal and one would not need prescriptions for the same.
Premier Dead Sea has also teamed up with Mariah Carey. The pop singer is now the brand ambassador and is expected to endorse the new line of cannabinoids infused skincare products. Israel has been one of the few countries that have substantially explored the utility of medical marijuana. It has studied thousands of patients suffering from a variety of medical conditions or health ailments. It even distributes free cannabis at times to provide relief to the ailing.
How Does Cannabis Unlock Better Skin?
It is no secret that cannabis can help provide relief from anxiety, exhaustion and chronic pain. Cannabis can regulate blood pressure. It now emerges that cannabis can prevent and alleviate acne. There is also sufficient reason to believe that cannabis can help with specific types of skin conditions such as psoriasis. Cannabis has several chemicals, all of which are naturally found in the herb that can essentially rejuvenate your skin.
Studies Support Cannabis Use For Dry Skin
In one study, British, German and Hungarian scientists studied various chemical compounds that our body secrets which are similar to THC, the active ingredients found in cannabis. THC can play a role in skincare. Endocannabinoids and THC occur naturally inside human bodies and they regulate lipids. These are fatty acids that can regulate if our skin is moist or dry.
In the process, they can hinder or aid the development of different types of skin conditions including acne. The researchers point out that special formulas comprising of cannabis can be used in creams or ointments among other topical products to control acne, to cure flaky and dry skin, to prevent outbreaks of acne and for general skincare.
There are some skincare products in the market that are infused with cannabis or hemps. Some have been proven to be effective in curing stings caused by sunburn. Some have been known to be effective conditioners of skin. A few claim to reduce the symptoms of eczema. Cannabis is natural. The chemicals that are active in cannabis occur naturally. There is nothing artificial or synthetic in weeds. The benefits that cannabis offers are hence safe.
Cannabis Findings From The University of Colorado
In another research conducted at Anschutz Medical Campus of University of Colorado inferred that cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties which can cure different types of skin conditions or diseases. The finding of the study has been published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Researchers have inferred that cannabinoids can relieve itching.
The active naturally occurring chemicals in cannabis can help provide relief from psoriasis, eczema, contact and atopic dermatitis. Cannabis can also regulate symptoms and even cure other skin diseases. Of course more research into those is necessary. The findings are interesting because they reflect the same inferences that Israeli scientists have been advocating and the European researchers have also arrived at the same conclusions.
The study conducted at University of Colorado tested patients. A cream infused with cannabinoid was applied to eight out of twenty one patients, twice every day for a period of three weeks. These patients reported complete relief from severe itching. One of the studies tested THC and its impact on inflammation and swelling in mice. Topical cannabinoids were found to be effective in reducing skin inflammation and swelling.
Shop for Organic Skincare Products Infused With Cannabis
There aren’t too many brands selling topical creams, ointments, serums or moisturizers among other skincare products infused with cannabis. But you can find some organic brands specializing in such products.
Premier Dead Sea is an example. Organic ingredients do not pose any risk to your skin or your health. They are far better than synthetic formulas, chemicals and toxins. Cannabis infused skincare products are free from sulfate, paraben and other chemicals.
However, you should still check the label. Go for certified organic products. You should check your local regulations and ensure that it is legal to buy such products. Most companies dealing in cannabis infused skincare products offer discreet shipping.
There is enough scientific evidence to support that cannabis can indeed unblock better skin. You can bid adieu to skin ailments, excessive dry or oily skin, regain youthful and supple skin while not exposing yourself to any of the harmful chemicals that inorganic brands are known for.