When it comes to achieving a glowing, youthful and blemish free complexion, topical products are just a starting point. Although there are many products out there that can reverse skin issues and treat concerns, a supplement takes skincare to the next level.
It is no surprise that what we put in our bodies is reflected on the outside. Well eating well and drinking plenty of water helps more than most give credit for, incorporating skin supplements can fill in the gaps in one's diet and even speed up results.
In the sea of vitamins and minerals to choose from, where does one begin? Not all supplements are created equal. Most tackle a few skin concerns at a time, this is why its key to use the supplement designed for your skin type as well. Read on to learn what supplements you should be incorporating in your diet.
The key to an anti-aging regime is replenishing moisture to fill in the appearance of fine lines. There are a number of ingredients such as: collagen, retniols and Vitamin A to help skin rebuild elastin fibers from the inside out. Another major key to tackling anti-aging concerns is to incorporate fatty acids to rebuild molecular bonds. There are a number of oil based products that address the dry skin that those with anti-aging concerns have and provide a healthful glow.
Fish Oil
It's no surprise that a Mediterranean diet leads glowing ageless skin; this is due to the vast amounts of fish. This fatty based ingredient is packed with omega 3 polyunsaturated acids that can reduce inflammation and docosahexaenoic (DHA) can improve general health. In theory, whenever we use our facial muscles for expressions, this contraction causes inflammation and stress on collagen fibers. Fish oil aids in replenishing fibers with a rich amount of Vitamin A.
Coenzyme Q10
One of the leading causes of wrinkles is exposure to free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 also know as ubiquinone functions as an antioxidant to prevent further damage done to skin cells. This fatty based substance neutralizes the free radicals that can attack collagen and elastin cells.
Not only is this mineral great to take whenever you're feeling under the weather, it is great at fighting bacteria that leads to acne. The cause of acne is rooted in an ingrown becoming inflamed with trapped oil and bacteria. Zinc works by increasing skin turnover which is key to eliminating acne. This increased skin turnover causes skin to shed quicker and release the trapped bacteria causing acne. Those that suffer with whiteheads will benefit the most from incorporating zinc as part of a regular regime.
Krill Oil
Much like omega packed fish oil, krill oil is filled with a cocktail of omega 3-fatty acids and antioxidant, astaxanthin. Essentially both substances work to reduce inflammation caused by cyst acne. This substance also works to neutralize the imbalance of hormones that can cause breakouts by decreasing testosterone levels. The abundance of of antioxidants help wipe away free radicals that can trigger a breakout.
Vitamin B
This super vitamin carries a multi-tier benefit by attacking bacteria that causes acne and promoting cell division to increase skin turnover. It works by altering the PH of skin, thus making it more difficult for bacteria to thrive.
Just about everyone and their mother is seeking to getting that sun kissed, just got back from the beach glow! Rather than relying on your favorite highlighter, incorporate some of these supplements to glow from within! The key to clear, glowing skin is to promote skin growth and reduce skin cell build up that causes dull appearing skin.
Vitamin C
This vitamin is king when it comes to brightening skin; from reducing the appearance of age spots, dark circles and overall brightening of skin. While most skin care products have some form of Vitamin C included, taking a supplement can further lighten the complexion of skin.
Vitamin D
When we're young, we are always told to drink our milk for Vitamin D absorption; little know to most, our primary source of Vitamin D stems from the sun. In this day in age, where we spend so much time indoors, getting that Vitamin D can be a challenge. Couple that with age, where our ability to convert Vitamin D also diminishes by as much 70%.
Increasing one's Vitamin D intake will lead to a subtle skin lightening effect that works to reduce the appearance of dark circles and hyper-pigmentation. Aside from brightening skin, this vitamin works to reduce the appearance of acne, boost collagen production and lessen the appearance of lines.