Thick eyebrows have now become a trend, and trends have to be followed. Not all of us are blessed with thick eyebrows, but put your worries to rest as microblading is here to save the day! Say no to using a brow pencil every day and save your time by investing in microblading. Nail every look by getting thick, realistic eyebrows. But before doing so, you need to understand what microblading actually is.
What Is Microblading?
Microblading is a procedure that allows you to have thick and dark eyebrows. It is semi-permanent makeup which uses manual processes to insert pigments into the topmost layer of the skin.
Microblading can last for 12-24 months. After this period, the pigment starts to fade away. This procedure has been a hot favorite for quite some time. The results are natural and provide a lifelike look to the eyebrows.
The process of microblading is divided into two parts. The first part involves a visit to the specialist, where they design the brows. Things like what kind of brow shape and color you like are decided, after which the initial microblading procedure is done.
The second process involves making a visit back to the specialist after a 4-week period. During this time, the skin heals and forms a new pigmentation. The second meeting is held to provide touch-ups and make color adjustments.
Touch-Ups Are A Must
Most people think it’s fine to miss out on initial touch-up sessions when they are actually crucial. The maintenance of your eyebrows is extremely important. The reason why you are required to meet the specialist 4 weeks after the initial procedure is to let the skin heal. The remaining touch-up is then done by the specialist.
The touch-up sessions will include re-filling, color adjustments, and color re-shading. The care and maintenance will determine the longevity of the procedure.
Follow Instructions Properly
If you want your eyebrows to look good, it is important that you follow the instructions properly. Since the procedure involves opening the skin, care has to be taken to prevent it from being infected. During the healing process, avoid the use of makeup. You may also need to cancel your swimming activities and avoid facials. Not following the instructions may damage the effectiveness of the procedure.
Fading Will Happen
Nothing lasts forever, not even your eyebrows. If you think your eyebrows are going to look like this forever, you are wrong. Normally, the procedure lasts for 2 years, after which the fading starts to kick in. It also depends on your skin type and how well you manage it. The more care you take, the longer the results will stay.
You Can Change the Shape of Your Eyebrows
Microblading allows you to change your eyebrow shape. You won't be restricted to choosing and sticking to one shape. Eyebrow trends are likely to change over time, and microblading has no restriction.
Microblading isn't a cheap procedure but worth investing in. The procedure will require a good sum, but the benefit outweighs the cost involved. Normally, the procedure involves a cost of $500 to $1500.
The Process Takes 2-3 Hours
Microblading isn't a time-consuming procedure itself, but most of the time is spent on deciding what kind of eyebrows you need. Since it is a customized process, time will be taken.
Easy to Maintain
The aftercare doesn't require hardcore maintenance. Once the procedure is complete and the healing is done, you can treat your eyebrows the way you normally do.
Different from Tattoo Needling
Most of you might think that microblading involves needles, just like in tattoos. However, microblading only involves the use of a fine blade that creates a bolder and thicker brow.
These are some of the top things you should be aware of before you opt for this procedure. It is worth investing in but only if you can take good care.