Recently, audiences across the globe were mesmerized by the latest British royal wedding. This was an occasion that broke a lot of stereotypes surrounding the royal family. The bride, American actress Meghan Markle, captured many hearts and inspired the crowds in more ways than one.
Some praised the couple, Meghan and Prince Harry, for not letting things like age, nationality, or ethnicity get in the way of their matrimony. However, a lot of attention was also on the styling of the bride herself, from her dress and tiara to her glowing no-makeup look.
Even on events other than the wedding, Markle has impressed us with her natural skin and glowing complexion. Her makeup is always perfect yet so subtle that it makes simplicity the epitome of beauty. She’s also been heavily questioned about her beauty routine in several interviews, so it shouldn’t be hard to follow in her footsteps. Let’s get started!
No Hiding
Markle is blessed with a peppering of freckles and wears them with pride. She's known for her objections to magazine photos airbrushing them out. Needless to say, she managed to rock her freckles even on her wedding day.
So how does one wear foundation or any kind of makeup base without covering up certain ‘imperfections’ such as freckles or moles? According to Markle, one should just dot the foundation on the areas you want to cover and use a Beautyblender to spread it out. Blend it in so that it’s more of a wash than a complete covering.
A primer is essential in order to get the makeup stay on for a long time without flaking. For this, Markle uses a Laura Mercier Illuminating Primer. Afterward, an Armani Luminous Silk foundation does the smoothening trick without covering the freckles. Both these items may be a bit pricey, but they're long-lasting and well worth it. If you still can’t afford them, the L'Oréal Lumi Magique Pure Light Primer is one cheaper yet almost identical alternative.
Makeup Removal at Night
Any skin expert would tell you to remove every trace of makeup before going to bed. Otherwise, the makeup could clog your pores, get them dirty, and cause breakouts or rashes all over your face. Meghan Markle also swears by this rule.
In fact, she makes things much easier for herself by keeping a pack of Biore Daily Cleansing Wipes with her wherever she goes. There are some days when you’re just too exhausted to go through a deep cleansing and toner routine before bed. Even royalty like Markle acknowledges it and goes through it. That’s where the wipes help. We’re glad we have a real convenient piece of advice on this beauty aspect!
Yoga For A Natural Glow
Markle and yoga are inseparable. Her skin is a testament to this fact since she attributes her natural glow to the practice of yoga. Even without makeup, she still looks and feels at her very best!
The happiness Markle gets from yoga also contributes to the health of her skin. Peace, contentment, and inner strength are all enhanced through this habit. Many of us could stand to take a few yoga classes and see how our skin firms up and starts glowing. At the same time, we’d find our mood undergoing a positive change and our energy levels spiking.
Facial Exercises
We often work out to get our body fit and toned but rarely think about doing the same for our face. Facial exercises are a must for the latest addition to the royal family, and they’re not hard to pull off for the rest of us either.
The proper exercises based on the face would make you feel like your face is toned and nicely shaped. It would also look that way. Plus, they would tighten your skin and sculpt your cheekbones and jawline in the most elegant manner.
Markle's favorite aesthetician, Nichola Joss, has an Instagram chart for these facial exercises, which means they’re free of cost. Of course, you may want to follow Markle in using the Extraordinary Face Oil by L'Oréal. With a few drops of this, your face would receive a highly relaxing and much-needed massage.
Glowing From Within
No matter where Meghan Markle goes, it’s her glowing face that captures attention. Her effortless smile, easy manner, and natural skin have made her a hit in more ways than one. Even if she isn’t an actress anymore and is now British royalty, we would all do well to follow in her footsteps regarding a natural skin treatment.
Markle talks about glycolic chemical peels that unclog the pores and cleanse the skin from all its crevices. This peel also stimulates the natural production of collagen, which makes for a taut, smooth, and pliable skin. Moreover, it provides moisture to the skin and makes it glow from inside. This, coupled with a healthy diet, can keep the skin looking fresh, young, and simply radiant for every event and occasion!
Letting It Breathe
Lastly, Markle is known for her five-minute look, where she simply uses concealer to achieve a smooth effect. Other than that, she only uses a hint of mascara, lip gloss, and perhaps a couple of other touches to make herself easily presentable.
This idea is great for all of us, especially when we’re required to wear a full face of makeup every working day. We should take one or two days out of our week and keep everything super simple. This would allow our skin to breathe for at least some time and could achieve excellent effects in just a few weeks.
Fortunately, Markle’s go-to products aren’t some inaccessible, high-end, super-expensive brands. They’re cost-effective, easily available, and have great budget replacements. In fact, some of her tips are absolutely free and only requires some time and personal effort.
Following Meghan Markle’s beauty routine just may be something that becomes a trend for every young woman interested in a natural appearance. It’s simple, elegant, classy, budget-friendly, and even healthy. If you haven’t given her routine a try yet, it’s high time you did!