Vitamin E Skin Benefits

Vitamin E Skin Benefits

Most people would do just about anything to protect their skin against pollution, stress, smoke and all of that bad food we take. However, most of the time we fail to find something that works.


But, you don’t have to look very far to find the best thing for your skin.


It’s vitamin E – a natural, healthy way to help your face look and feel amazing.


Full of antioxidants, it’s found in the sebum produced by our oil glands and in the membranes of the skin cells. However, you might not have enough of it.


By consuming foods rich in vitamin E and using it in products, you can truly add that beautiful glow to your skin.


Here are some of the benefits of taking vitamin E:


  • It can prevent signs of aging like wrinkles and brown spots
  • It prevents your skin from burning easily
  • It keeps your skin hydrated and prevents inflammation
  • It reduces damage done by the sun
  • It reduces the appearance of scars
  • It moisturizes your skin


What are the side effects of taking vitamin E?

No matter the benefits, everything has its side effects. Here are some cases when you should avoid taking vitamin E:

  • If you are allergic to any ingredient or supplement in the vitamin E products
  • If you have an iron or vitamin K deficiency, blood clotting, discuss vitamin E with your doctor first
  • Avoid Vitamin E in high doses when you are pregnant
  • It can cause nausea or vomiting
  • It can cause diarrhea
  • It can cause headache
  • It can cause a rash
  • It can cause fatigue or weakness
  • It can cause blurry vision
  • Problems with ovaries or testes
  • It can be dangerous for babies


The most common serious side effect is bleeding


Keep in mind that all of these side effects of vitamin E come from your allergies or high doses of this vitamin.


If you consume a normal amount of vitamin E, you should get the benefits that it brings with none of the side effects.


Just make sure you talk with your doctor on the proper amount and intake.


In case you are doing any of the following, avoid taking Vitamin E without consulting your doctor:


  • If you are taking mineral oil
  • If you are taking Prevalite, Colestid, Welchol
  • If you are using any iron supplements or replacement drugs
  • If you are using any weight-loss drugs
  • If you are taking supplements that have a blood thinning effect like fish oil, ginseng, garlic etc.
  • Don’t take alcohol while taking vitamin E
  • Avoid grapefruit if you are using vitamin E


The tolerable upper intake of Vitamin E for men and women is 1000 mg per day. Never take two doses at once because you missed one.


What is the best source of vitamin E?

Vitamin E Skin Benefits

Vitamin E is a common nutrient in most foods. However, there are a few foods which contain more of it than others:


Wheat germ oil – One tablespoon of it contains 20 mg of Vitamin E


Sunflower Seeds – One ounce contains 10 mg of Vitamin E


Almonds – One ounce contains 7.3mg of vitamin E


Hazelnut Oil – One tablespoon contains 6.4 mg of vitamin E


Mamey Sapote – Half of this fruit contains 5.9mg of vitamin E


Sunflower oil – One tablespoon contains 5.6mg of Vitamin E


Almond Oil – One tablespoon contains 5.3mg of vitamin E


Hazelnuts – One ounce contains 4.3mg of Vitamin E


Abalone – Three ounces contain 3.4mg of Vitamin E


Pine Nuts – One ounce contains 2.7mg of Vitamin E


Goose Meat – One cup contains 2.4mg of Vitamin E


Peanuts – One ounce contains 2.4 mg of Vitamin E


Atlantic salmon – Half a filet contains 2.0mg of vitamin E


Which fruits and vegetables have vitamin E?

Vitamin E Skin Benefits

In addition to seeds and oils, as well as meats, Vitamin E can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Here are some of the fruit and vegetables that you can eat for the best intake of vitamin E:


  • Swiss Chard
  • Mustard Greens
  • Spinach
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
  • Turnip Greens
  • Kale
  • Avocado
  • Parsley
  • Olives


Can I use Vitamin E capsules on my face?

Vitamin E Skin Benefits

One of the best ingredients for the face as well as hair, nails and lips is vitamin E. It’s an essential ingredient in most beauty products and it’s also a powerful nutrient and antioxidant with great benefits for your skin. You can consume it through leafy greens, plant oils and nuts and seeds or you can use it in the form of a capsule and apply it directly to your face.


It’s like magic for your skin.


Here are some recipes:


  1. Vitamin E + Yogurt + Lemon Juice + Honey


You will need:

  • 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Some rosewater
  • A cotton pad


How to make it:

Mix 2-3 vitamin E capsules – extract the liquid first – with all of the other ingredients. Cleanse your face with rosewater – or any other cleanser you have handy – and put this mask on your face and neck. Let it dry before washing it off with cold water. You can repeat this treatment twice a week.


This mask will treat your wrinkles and dark areas, brighten and improve your skin. Vitamin E and yogurt are there to cleanse while lemon will act as a lightener to your skin. Yogurt will also feed and moisturize your skin.


  1. Vitamin E Capsules For Acne or Acne Scars


For this recipe you will only need 2 or 3 vitamin E capsules. Apply this oil directly to your acne scars or acne. You should leave it on overnight and wash it off the next day. The best part of this treatment? You can use it every day until – or even after – the acne or scars are gone.


  1. Vitamin E Capsules for Dark Circles


Again, you will only need 2 vitamin E oil capsules. Apply them directly to your dark circles and massage it gently. Leave it on overnight. Use this treatment regularly for 2 or 3 weeks to see the best results. This also works for puffiness.


  1. Vitamin E + Papaya + Honey


You will need:

  • 3-4 Vitamin E capsules
  • 1 cup of papaya peel
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


How to make it:


Extract the liquid from the capsule, mash the papaya to make a paste and mix those two together with honey. Blend it well. Once it’s done, apply it to your face and neck and allow it to dry before washing it off. You can use this mask three times a week for as long as you want. It will give your skin that glow everyone is looking for.


  1. Vitamin E + Olive Oil


You will need:

  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
  • 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil


How to make it:


Mix these two oils and use your fingertips to massage it into your face. Do this gently and leave it on for an hour at least – best overnight. Do this three times a week to help hyper pigmentation and cell regeneration.


  1. Vitamin E + Milk + Honey


You will need:

  • 2 vitamin E capsules
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of milk


How to make it:


Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and apply it to your face and neck. Allow it to dry and wash it off after 30 minutes with warm water. Apply a light moisturizer to lock the effects in. Use this mix three times a week for your dry skin.


  1. Vitamin E + Glycerin


You will need:

  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
  • 1 teaspoon rose water
  • 1 teaspoon glycerin


How to make it:


Mix all of the ingredients together and spread the mixture over your face. Let it sit for 5 hours or overnight before washing it off with warm water. Use this treatment twice a week or three times a week for baby soft skin.


  1. Vitamin E + Lip Balm


You will need:

  • 1-2 vitamin E oil capsules
  • A lip balm


How to make it:


Cut the lip balm and mix it with vitamin E. Apply it to your lips every day to avoid having chapped lips.


What does vitamin E do for your hair?

Vitamin E Skin Benefits

Vitamin E is a powerful ingredient in most products and foods. It can do wonders for your entire body, but most notably the skin, hair and nails.


Here are some of the benefits Vitamin E has for your hair:


  • It can help your hair grow faster
  • It can reduce hair damage
  • It can help you have a healthy scalp without dandruff
  • It can prevent hair loss
  • It can increase hair shine


To use vitamin E for your hair you could consume it with food. It’s a well-known fact that you have to feed your hair well from within if you want it to be healthy and look good. Eat plenty of leafy greens, nuts and seeds, vegetable and plant oils, goat and fish meat. You can also take it as a supplement in the form of oil capsules that nourish your entire body.


Once you have done this, apply Vitamin E oil to your hair through products, hair masks or directly from capsules.


Vitamin E is a beneficial ingredient for your skin, hair and nails. It can also do wonders for the rest of your body. However, discuss it with your doctor before taking it.



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