Makeup we buy at drugstores and cosmetics stores are often full of various harmful ingredients and we don’t even know it. They might have plenty of good ingredients – vitamin E, aloe vera, and coconut oil – but they also contain harmful ingredients. If you read the ingredient list at the back of your product, you will see that half of those words you can’t even pronounce.
Some people go for organic products but these are not always good for everyone’s budget. And you’ll be surprised to know that you can make nearly identical products at home.
How? – you may wonder.
Well, here are some of the best recipes for most commonly used makeup:
How do you make natural liquid foundation?
Liquid foundation is something that might seem nearly impossible to make for most people out there. It just seems like a thing you should buy at the store, for your own safety.
Many people have tried making it only to get a strange grainy substance or something streaky. If you want to avoid looking like clown or damaging your complexion, you should try this foundation.
Simple, natural and made from all kinds of healthy ingredients.
First, you need the base. For this, you can use either a pre-made moisturizer (3 Tablespoons), which is the easier option, and then add the colors that you need. Or you can make your own base. Making your own is a bit more difficult and requires more work but it gives you more options and a better blend.
Here are the ingredients that you’ll need for the base:
- 1 Teaspoon Shea butter
- 2 Teaspoons Argan oil
- 1 Tablespoon Aloe vera gel
- 1 Teaspoon Witch hazel
- 1 ½ Teaspoons Emulsifying wax – vegetable based
Here are the ingredients you’ll add for color and coverage:
- ½ Teaspoon Kaolin Clay/Earth Clay/Bentonite Clay
- ½ or 1 Teaspoon Mica powder
- ½ or 1 Teaspoon Cocoa powder
- 1 to 4 Teaspoons Zinc Oxide Powder/White cosmetic clay
You can also use pre-made mineral makeup (2 or 3 teaspoons) instead of these powders to give it color according to your skin tone.
If you are using the simple, pre-made version, all you have to do is mix the moisturizer you decide to use and mineral makeup in your color until you get the shade and the consistency you need.
For the completely DIY approach, you should follow the following process:
- Melt the shea butter, argan oil and emulsifying wax until it’s melted
- Add aloe and witch hazel; until smooth
- Turn the heat off and start adding colors (zinc and clay first until you reach the desired coverage)
- Add mica powders and cocoa powder until you like the color
- Dip a teaspoon in and let it cool off – test the color on your forehead
- Put it in a container and let it cool off
- You can store it in a glass jar or in a silicon squeezable tube. The tube is better because it can stay there for longer fresh and prevent contamination.
When comparing the cost, this foundation is less expensive than that made by some of the most popular companies and it’s a lot cheaper than those made by organic brands.
If you already have all of these ingredients, it will be a lot cheaper. Just a few ounces of each of these ingredients can make you enough makeup to last for months but you should make less of it because it doesn’t have a long shelf life.
How do you make natural foundation powder?
Have you ever been disappointed by your foundation? Probably, especially after you read the list of ingredients.
For that reason, you should look into creating your own powdered foundation that contains natural ingredients.
This recipe, for instance, is very easy to make and you can rely on it to give you full coverage. Here are all of the ingredients that you should use:
- ¼ to ½ Teaspoon Cocoa Powder
- ¼ Teaspoon Bentonite Clay
- 2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
- ½ to ¼ Teaspoon Ground Nutmeg
- Pinch Ground Cloves
- Pinch Ground Sage
- Pinch Ground Ginger
- 10 Drops Nourishing Oil
- 5 Drops Tea Tree Oil
This is a simple recipe where you start with base powder, add color and mix it in with some essential oil that’s good for your face.
- For the base, you should choose cornstarch or arrowroot starch. This is what you add color to.
- Any ground spice can be used for color. You should avoid cinnamon since it can irritate your skin.
- Clove offers the dark reddish brown color, cocoa offers medium brown, Nutmeg offers light brown and sage or ginger are there to offset your natural undertones.
- Test the amounts of the color until you get the one that suits you. The base will stay the same, though.
- Measure all of the ingredients, then add cornstarch to a small glass bowl. Add cocoa powder, bentonite clay and nutmeg. Mix those well.
- Add the rest of the ingredients, a bit at a time – it will depend on your skin tone. Test by tipping your foundation brush in the mix and putting it on your face. When you hit the right combination, add nourishing oil and tea tree oil. Put this powder in a container and close tightly.
- You can store it in a glass jar or powder jar. The total cost of this is very low and each batch of it lasts for 4 to 8 weeks.
How do you make natural eyeshadow?
Products you can buy in the stores are usually full of bad ingredients that can cause clogged pores and other serious issues. This is why you need to be careful about what you use on your face.
However, you can make your own makeup at home and never worry about the quality of what you are using.
You will need:
- ½ Teaspoon Arrowroot starch
- ½ Teaspoon Bentonite clay
- Coloring spices – nutmeg, cocoa, ginger, turmeric, or paprika (choose based on the colors you want to get)
- Essential oils – lavender or jojoba
Mix the starch and bentonite together until mixed well. Then add your colors – you should separate the base into several containers so you can try different shades. The more base, the lighter your shades will be – it’s best to add a small amount of each and then get the color where you want it. Then, after you are done coloring, add a few drops of oil and mix into the powder. If it’s still dusty, add some more. Apply this shadow on moisturized skin.
How do you make natural eyeliner?
Eyeliners contain a huge amount of unnatural ingredients and this is why it’s best to make your own. Here is a simple recipe with only a few ingredients that will work like a charm.
- ½ Teaspoon Activated Charcoal
- Distilled water
Add a few drops of distilled water to the charcoal and mix together – it should turn into paste. Put it in a small jar or tin and keep it refrigerated for no more than few weeks.
How do you make natural lipstick?
Lipsticks and lip balms can be full of harmful ingredients. Fortunately, you can make your own with ease.
- 1 Teaspoon beeswax pastilles
- 1 Teaspoon shea or cocoa butter
- 1 Teaspoon coconut oil
- For red lips: ⅛ teaspoon of beet root powder or 1 drop of food coloring
- For brown lips: ¼ teaspoon cocoa, small amount of cinnamon or turmeric
- Matte lips: ¼ Bentonite clay
Melt the beeswax, shea or cocoa butter and coconut oil in a glass jar and then remove from the heat. Add any coloring (or none at all) – mix and match a little, play with coloring until you get the one that suits you. Once it’s done and all still liquid, you should put it into a lipstick container. It should cool for at least half an hour. Keep it in a cool place.
How do you make natural mascara?
Even mascara that is so close to your eyes is not really that good and it can cause allergic reactions. Here is a simple recipe to make your own mascara:
- 2 Teaspoons of Coconut oil
- 4 Teaspoons aloe vera gel
- ½ to 1 Teaspoons beeswax pellet – more if you want a more waterproof mascara
- 1 or 2 capsules of activated charcoal for black color, cocoa powder for brown
Melt coconut oil, aloe vera gel and beeswax. Use two capsules of activated charcoal and put in the mixture. After you mix it well, put the mixture in a small plastic bag, cut a small hole in one corner and push all of the mixture there. Squeeze it into a mascara container. Put the wand in and tightly close the lid as this mascara tends to dry out. You should also be aware that mascara tubes and mascara in general shouldn’t be used after 3 to 6 months of use. Test it on your skin before using. If you notice anything off about your mascara – smell, texture or similar – throw it away, don’t risk allergies.